May 31, 2008

Back from RailsConf Portland

(If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Ruby on Rails is a tech thing, a framework to deploy applications, and RailsConf is a conference regarding Rails.)

I’m just back from Portland (OR), where I’ve been at the RailsConf, organized by O’Reilly. About 1,700 attendees, lots of interest, a good community. This is Joel Spolsky during his Keynote (here on wikipedia, and here his famous blog).

railsconf joel spolsky

I’d like to share with you my pictures of the conference, and the pictures I’ve taken at the Message Board. You may be able to find a Rails-related job, with those!

Here a picture at Amazon’s booth, with Tracy, Jenny and Phil. Lots of interest for AWS, of course. Loved it.

railsconf brunozzi simone is hiring, so… if you have skills… check the open positions at Amazon.